Leadership & Staff

We believe that an organized, collaborative effort is the best way to make a lasting, positive impact on Lancaster County. The Partners seeks to bring together strong leaders from diverse backgrounds with the shared vision of clean and clear water by 2040.

The Partners is guided by a Board of Trustees and a Executive Committee. Representatives may serve a max of three terms of three years each. New members are nominated by the Executive Committee and voted in by the Board of Trustees. The group meets at least four times per calendar year. Board meeting notes (formerly labeled steering committee notes) are available here.

“The most critical factor by far is an influential champion (or small group of champions) who commands the respect necessary to bring CEO-level cross-sector leaders together and keep their active engagement over time. We have consistently seen the importance of dynamic leadership in catalyzing and sustaining collective impact efforts.”

Stanford Social Innovation Review


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If you share our vision of clean and clear water in Lancaster County by 2040, we want to hear from you!