Lancaster Clean Water Fund
Lancaster Clean Water Fund
Clean water is a priority across all of Lancaster County, especially since more than half of our streams and much of our groundwater are unhealthy.
The Lancaster Clean Water Fund serves as a catalyst for increased collaboration to efficiently achieve clean and clear water in Lancaster County by 2040 in accordance with the Lancaster Countywide Action Plan (CAP). The fund addresses the immense need for clean water work throughout the county and provides financial support to bring ideas to life.
Since 2019
The Lancaster Clean Water fund has provided $6,005,395 to 29 nonprofits and municipalities working on stream restoration, riparian buffer plantings, agricultural practices, education, and stormwater management projects.
Application Questions
Apply for a Grant
2025 Clean Water Fund, Large Implementation
Request for Projects
For 2025, the Lancaster Countywide Action Plan (CAP) Coordinator Team has prioritized the implementation of agricultural best management practices (Ag BMPs). This is due to the importance of addressing resource concerns from farms in order to achieve our CAP goals, the high demand for conservation from Ag landowners, and the CAP dollars helping get us closer to the scale of funding needed in Lancaster.
How to Submit Projects
First, read through this Things to Know document about requirements of the 2025 opportunity.
Please fill out this basic form by August 30th.
You can review the question list, the criteria, and access the form on our website.
Based on CAP priorities, the CAP Coordinator team will select from these projects for inclusion in Lancaster’s request for Countywide Action Plan Implementation Funding to DEP for 2025; however, please list all Ag projects that need funding even if they are in pending applications for 319 or Growing Greener funding.
If you have the updated conservation plan, designs, photos, please attach to the form. If not, that is okay.
We will let you know by Sept. 6th if your projects will be in Lancaster’s request to DEP for CAP Implementation funding. This will not mean that the project will be funded, but it does mean that your project info will be passed on to our Clean Water Fund Advisors to make decisions and for DEP to determine eligibility.
Additional information will likely be requested for these projects – conservation plans, photos, and clarifying questions.
By the end of December 2024, we will notify you if your project will be funded.
Agreements will be executed in January 2025.
Agreement can be with a landowner, nonprofit, or municipality.
Projects that can feasibly be constructed in 2025 will be prioritized.
Eligible projects: Projects on Ag land. While the preference is for Agricultural Conservation Assistance Program eligible BMPs, other practices that are necessary for farmers to achieve their goals and address resource concerns on a farm may be considered including streambank stabilization, wetland creation, floodplain restoration, and stormwater practices that are required for the Ag BMPs to move forward (infiltration trenches, etc.).
If awarded CAP funding, the practices must be included in a Conservation/Ag E&S Plan for the farm and/or a Manure/Nutrient Management Plan. Updated plans must be provided to the Lancaster County Conservation District prior to execution of the agreement. CAP funding cannot cover the cost of plan writing or updates.
Match is not required but leveraged funds help.
Consistency with the Lancaster Countywide Action Plan (CAP) – the 2024 Update of the CAP is available here! This includes things like implementation of riparian forested buffers, the stream delisting strategy, and working in headwaters areas.
*Other funding programs that may be opening in the coming months as County allocations are made include Conservation Excellence Grants (CEG) and Agricultural Conservation Assistance Program (ACAP). Submitting planned projects now will not serve as applying for CEG and ACAP, but will help you prepare to submit applications for those programs as they come available. The Lancaster County Conservation District suggests that you go ahead and prepare those applications (forms can be found on their website) in anticipation of applications being accepted in the coming months.
The Application window for the Small Implementation Grant is closed
Nonprofits and municipalities are welcome to apply for up to $25,000 for engaging residents in planning and implementing clean water projects. This grant is created and managed by the Lancaster Clean Water Partners to achieve clean and clear local waterways by 2040.
Grant Timeline
- Award notifications (yes or no) 09/1/24
- Grant funding period 9/1/24 – 9/1/25
- Completion Report Due 10/1/25

Clean Water Fund Large Implementation Grants, $100,000 to $500,000
are available for the installation of high-impact projects in priority locations to achieve nitrogen reductions for Lancaster’s Countywide Action Plan (CAP).
New this year:
2024 Clean Water Fund Large Projects
Little Chiques Creek Stream Restoration
Grantee: Mount Joy Borough
The proposed project proposes to reconnect the stream to the natural floodplain wherefeasible, stabilize the streambanks with in-stream fish habitat structures, and plant aminimum 35′ wide riparian forest buffer. This single project will:
- Reduce sediment and nutrient loads to improve water quality
- Increase tree canopy and native vegetation
- Cool stream temperatures
- Increase habitat for native aquatic and wildlife species
- Reconnect the floodplain to the stream corridor to mitigate flooding.
Based on data supplied by the Adapted Chesapeake Nutrient and Sediment Load ReductionModel through the Fielddoc program, this project will reduce Sediment by 575,565 lbs/yr;Nitrogen by 790 lbs/yr; and Phosphorus by 305 lbs/yr, and will directly mitigate thesource of existing stream impairments, and support county, state, and federal initiatives toimprove water quality and climate resiliency.
Reuben Beiler Stream Restoration
Grantee: Lancaster County Conservation District
The Reuben Beiler Stream Lancaster County Conservation District Restoration Project is located along Indian Spring Run. Due to a lack of riparian buffer, failing stream crossings, and unrestricted cattle access, the stream isexperiencing significant erosion issues. Approximately 3000 linear feet of the stream will be restored with a 35 ft average width riparian buffer. 3500 feet of streambank fencing and three stream crossings will be installed. The majority of the project cost will go towards construction including fencing and tree installation. Overall, the project will stabilize the streambank, establish stream habitat, and improve water quality through natural stream channel restoration.
Cedar Creek Stream Restoration
Grantee: East Earl Township
East Earl Township is proposing a stream restoration to 4,400 feet of Cedar Creek. The historical channel realignment and intensive agricultural practices has caused the channel to downcut into the streambed. In addition, the increase in sediment storage on the floodplain has increased erosive pressure on the channel bottom. The existing tree and plant cover is in poor condition and does not provide quality habitat or stream bank stabilization. The proposed rehabilitation will include
- floodplain reconnection through the removal of legacy sediments with pocket wetlands to aid in nutrient capture andprocessing
- streambank regrading, reinforcement, and stabilization to reduce sedimentloads and
- installation of a 3-teir riparian forest buffer to reconnect the riparian rootzone with the water table for nutrient processing.
Hickory Lane Stream and Floodplain Restoration
Grantee: Elizabethtown Borough
The Hickory Lane Stream and Floodplain Restoration project will target streambank stabilization and improve floodplain conditions and restore approximately 2,700 LF of the Conoy Creek. As designed the work will remove accumulated legacy sediment and return the stream and floodplain to a pre-European settlement condition. The stream channel will be relocated from the edge of the valley bottom and establish a braided stream channel inthe center of the valley. Diverse native vegetation and wetland pockets will be established, riparian buffer expanded and protected, and existing outfalls and eroded swales will be stabilized. Funding from the Clean Water Fund will be used towards sitework elements ofthe project. The site work completed with this funding will include items such as floodplain and channel grading, woody debris, riprap and log sill placement. The project will improve water quality, restore an important waterway, reduce pollutant loads and correct a riparian corridor.
Neff-Dellinger Run Stream Restoration
Grantee: Donegal Trout Unlimited
The proposed work efforts are to implement 3000+ linear feet of stream restoration/stabilization on Dellinger Run. Implementation of such a project would reduce erosion, stabilize structure of stream channel and promote habitat. The restoration/stabilization will utilize a multiple Best Management Practice (BMP) approach, applying natural channel design for the understanding of restoration risk management, and the selection of Best Management Practices as described and presented by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) Habitat Improvements for Trout Streams, to achieve the long-term stabilization and sediment reductions. Enhancement and management of the existing riparian buffer in floodplain and adjacent wetlands are included to compliment the restoration efforts.
Darryl Landis Stream Restoration
Grantee: Lancaster County Conservation District
The Darryl Landis Stream Restoration Project is located along Goods Run. Due to a lack of riparian buffer, misplaced rock and concrete, and ongoing urban development upstream, the stream is experiencing significant erosion issues. Approximately 1600 linear feet of the stream will be restored with a 50 ft average width riparian buffer through CREP. No streambank fencing is required because the farmer does not plan to pasture the area. Overall, the project will stabilize the streambank, establish stream habitat, install one stream crossing, and improve water quality through natural stream channel restoration.
2024 Clean Water Fund Small Projects
SoWe Project Clean Stream
Grantee: Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay
Building on 2023 Fund progress, this project will steward neighborhood “Champions” who recieve a stipend to lead local trash cleanups & education efforts. Champions complete 2+ events that empowers volunteers in their neighborhood for total of 6 events.
Long's Park Water Quality Improvement Project
Grantee: City of Lancaster
Signage based on the biological, ecological, and engineering processes that occur at each stage of the Longs Park Wetlands system. Six signs will also be designed to reflect the City of Lancaster’s commitment to inclusivity, diversity, and equality.
Upper Cocalico Creek Stream, Floodplain & Wetland Restoration Partnership
Grantee: Cocalico Creek Watershed Association
Conceptual Restoration Plan for effective landowner participation by engaging residents in planning and implementing clean water projects on their and neighboring properties.
River Pathway Connections
Grantee: College Park Climate Action Neighborhood
Outdoor Classroom, Signage & Online Resources; At completion of our project we envision a fun and informative community event in addition to the ongoing educational opportunities, planned or organic, from the permanent installation
Conoy Township Stackstown Road Community Park & NWRT Accessibility Improvements
Grantee: Conoy Township
Transform a once residential, now township owned, vacant streamside property full of debris & invasives, into a public park with parking, walkways, picnic, ADA access to NW river trail. Funding for natives, stormwater controls, rain garden & signage.
Conservation Landscaping Crews Training
Grantee: Lancaster Conservancy
Bolster the conservation landscaping skills of a diversity of existing landscaping crews in Lancaster County. Facilitate new training cohorts & follow-up support for last years crews (retirement home campuses) to implement practices on private land
Expanding Water Quality Monitoring Volunteerism in Lancaster
Grantee: Lancaster County Conservation District
Water Quality Volunteer Coalition chemical equipment has started to break and become outdated so we need new equipment to support existing volunteers. The program expansion allows more volunteers (10-20 organized in eastern Lancaster) to easily access equipment and learn about the health of their streams.
Eco Explorers
Grantee: Lancaster Science Factory
Bring the spring Eco Explorers program out to local School District of Lancaster elementary school locations, where we would host three workshops offsite at a local school, then take two different field trips – one to a local stream running through Lancaster City and one out to a Lancaster Conservancy preserve where they can compare and contrast stream health
Expanding and Sustaining the Lancaster Outdoor Learning Network for Water Quality Improvement
Grantee: Stroud Water Research Center
The proposed project will strengthen and expand the Lancaster Outdoor Learning Network Initiative (OLNI) to more teachers and school districts that face accessibility barriers to water quality education. Professional Development for teachers & Leaf Pack Network, Project WET, and stormwater implementation at their schools
Buffer Establishment Support Team
Grantee: Lancaster County Conservation District
The Buffer Establishment Support Team provides payments to landowners for establishment of riparian forested buffers, which is vital for their survival.
*Funding for these projects is from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s Countywide Action Plan Implementation grant to Lancaster.
2023 Clean Water Fund Projects
Engagement and Education of our Watershed Community
1. The Friends of Fishing Creek will engage groups and businesses in our local community
to provide education on the importance of preserving and enhancing the entire ecosystem
of our Fishing Creek Watershed. We will attend the Annual Solanco Fair in 2024
providing education on the progress that has been made over the last several years as well
as the continued risks that continue and we can all work together to remediate those risks
for continued watershed improvement. We will have brochures and recycling bags as
handouts. The Solanco Fair usually occurs the 3rd week in September.
2. We will also engage with fifteen Jeep organizations who enjoy the Fishing Creek
Watershed for leisure and recreation. These Jeep organizations have expressed interest in
engaging with the Friends of Fishing Creek to learn about their impact on the watershed
and how to influence proper access and use to have a positive impact on its fragile and
sensitive ecosystem. We will organize and hold an event specifically focused on the
local Jeep Clubs with an educational drive thru of the public dirt road that travels along
Fishing Creek for 3.8 miles with 3 concrete fords.
3. We will also schedule educational meetings with local Jeep dealerships to give printed
handouts to Jeep owners in the proper recreational and leisure use of the Fishing Creek
SoWe Project Clean Stream
Project Clean Stream is an Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay initiative offering hands-on opportunities through local partnerships to take action to restore clean local waterways. Volunteers are empowered with the agency to lead their own stream cleanups and build a stronger sense of place in their communities and ultimately foster a healthier and more sustainable relationship with the Chesapeake watershed.
For this project, the Alliance plans to focus efforts in the Southwest quadrant of the City of Lancaster, where we will have two staff-led cleanups and smaller monthly community champion-led cleanups while partnering with local institutions. We will provide champions with stipends for their time. We are also focused on tracking a cultural and behavioral shift around litter and building educational aspects and public awareness around litter’s impact on clean water. The Alliance has actively partnered with SoWe for the last few years and this project will build on this engagement.
Expanding the One Water Partnership in Lancaster County
The Lancaster One Water Partnership (LOWP) is a regional hub of faith-based action to address highly fragmented non-source pollution challenges and opportunities. By working with communities of faith, we reach non-traditional partners who are private landowners, many of whom generate stormwater pollution or who offer opportunities for significant increased tree canopy, aligning with the goals of the Countywide Action Plan. To achieve these outcomes, we will conduct quarterly events in collaboration with partner congregations to forge connections with faith communities throughout the region, recruit 3-5 faith-based congregations in Lancaster County to build green teams and create action plans, host monthly meetings with our volunteer Lancaster Task Force, develop a water-based experiential education program, and cultivate relationships with 3-5 DEIJ faith-based congregations to determine how to best support local leaders in clean water equity and justice needs.
Southeast Growing Greener & Sowing Seeds of Change
This Let’s Go 1-2-3 project will engage new audiences by providing education and outreach through us partnering with Thaddeus Stevens College and the Lancaster City Housing Authority. Our project, titled, “Southeast Growing Greener & Sowing Seeds of Change” will engage the southeast neighborhoods in the City of Lancaster using the Let’s Go 1-2-3 model of engagement to (1) organize a Community Green Team, (2) develop and conduct neighborhood surveys to build knowledge and awareness about green space(s) and sustainable practices for healthy lands and clean water, and (3) celebrate with a Nature Fest for the community.
River Connections
This funding will support the continuation of the River Connections project, which has increased awareness and engagement with local communities of color, enhanced their relationship, highlighted their history, and encouraged action to protect and care for the Conestoga River.
The primary portion of the funding will be to develop and implement a Love Your Block River Connections grant to support the continued installation of storm drain murals and performance art throughout the City. We will use the remaining funds to engage a local artist to help us bring to life Rosie the Fish — an animated ambassador to educate the public, specifically school-aged residents, about the river and the work done through the River Connections project.
* Agricultural Conservation Enhanced: Planting Trees in Rotationally-Grazed Pastures
Grantee: Lancaster Farmland Trust
Lancaster Farmland Trust is working in partnership with Trees for Graziers to implement strategic silvopasture plantings on farms in Lancaster County. Silvopasture is the practice of integrating trees and forage with healthy livestock grazing practices. Ecological benefits include reducing nitrogen in streams, sequestering carbon, infiltrating water, reducing erosion and providing habitat for wildlife.Local economic benefits include providing shade, improving the health of livestock, and diversifying farm incomes through the sale of products like chestnuts or walnuts. This project will serve as an example of agroforestry at work – a model that can demonstrate the ability of our farmers to earn good incomes from small pieces of land, while still being responsible stewards of our water and environment.
* Silage Leachate System
Grantee: Cocalico Creek Watershed Association
The Cocalico Creek Watershed Association will be leading a project directly adjacent to Middle Creek, which was identified as a high priority project during outreach with Clay Township. This project will divert clean stormwater to a pipe system instead of flowing through an open feed-storage area. Runoff from feed bunks will pass through screens in the pipes to retain solids at each high-flow/low-flow separator. Nutrients collected will be applied to vegetation during drier times.
* Implementation of Best Management Practices on a Farm in the Octoraro
Grantee: Octoraro Watershed Association
The Octoraro Watershed Association is partnering with a beef operation and crop farm (i.e. corn silage, alfalfa, tobacco) in Bart Township. The following Best Management Practices (BMPs) will be installed: grassed waterways, a plow skip, and a diversion to repair existing erosion gullies, underground outlets and a water & sediment control basin to control runoff from the fields and farmstead, as well as manure storage, fencing, access road, and waste transfer.
* Long’s Park Water Quality Improvement Project
Grantee: City of Lancaster
The City of Lancaster’s Long’s Park Project will utilize a Natural Treatment System (NTS) and a pump station to convey water from Long’s Pond through a treatment train consisting of a Floating Wetland Island Forebay Pond, an Iron-Enhanced Sand Filter, and two Emergent Aquatic Vegetation Marshes, with discharge to Long’s Pond. The NTS will provide an attractive resting, nesting, and feeding habitat for waterfowl, wading birds, and aquatic wildlife. In addition, the design will be a valuable addition to the community for both passive recreation and educational benefit.
* Bioswale Meadows Project
Grantee: East Petersburg Borough
East Petersburg will complete the project on borough-owned property, known as “The Meadows,” surrounded by commercial and residential properties. The Bioswale Meadows Project will correct drainage issues in the area while meeting the goals of clean water, natural vegetation, and flood control. To do so, East Petersburg Borough will be removing the existing pipe and creating a bioswale.
* Whole Farm Conservation to Help Restore a Wild Brown Trout Fishery in the Upper Chiques
Grantee: The Conservation Foundation of Lancaster County
The Conservation Foundation of Lancaster County is partnering with the PSU Agriculture and Environment Center to achieve comprehensive whole farm conservation implementation at a dairy farm in the Shearers Creek watershed. Although the creek currently reports high quality water, impaired wild brown trout fisheries have continued to struggle in the upper Chiques Creek watershed. Extensive best management practices will be implemented to provide safe and adequate manure storage and to eliminate a pasture’s impacts through existing barnyard, road, and feeding area runoff areas to an unnamed tributary of Shearers Creek. To minimize erosion and sedimentation, and add in-stream fish habitat for wild brown trout, the project will plant approximately 15 acres of forest riparian buffers and stream restoration to restore unstable, eroding stream banks.
*Funding for these projects is from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s Countywide Action Plan Implementation grant to Lancaster.
2022 Clean Water Fund Projects
Clean up support and program development
Grantee: Conestoga River Club
With this grant, the Conestoga River Club will enhance the effectiveness and organization of large-scale clean up efforts by providing protective wear, safety gear, tools, transportation, and other essential equipment and education to its growing group of volunteers. To fulfill its mission of educational outreach, funding will also support assembling an advisory team of professional educators, youth advocates, and youth program directors to guide the development of educational programming.
Read more about the conservation implementation in East Lampeter.
Expanding the Lancaster One Water Partnership
Grantee: Interfaith Partners of the Chesapeake
The Lancaster One Water Partnership is a regional hub of faith-based action to address highly fragmented non-source pollution challenges and opportunities. By working with communities of faith, Interfaith Partners of the Chesapeake can reach non-traditional partners who are private landowners, many of which generate stormwater pollution or who offer opportunities for significantly increased tree canopy, aligning with the goals of Lancaster’s Countywide Action Plan.
Community Wildlife Habitat Training
Grantee: Lancaster Conservancy
Water quality education and training starts in people’s yards. This project will serve as a pilot to educate community members about the use of native plants and water quality landscaping practices. While the Lancaster Conservancy’s work of land protection does a lot to protect water quality, we need community members to implement conservation landscaping. This program will empower community members to implement runoff controlling native habitat plantings in their neighborhoods.
Water Week workshops at the Lancaster Science Factory
Grantee: Lancaster Conservancy
Water quality education and training starts in people’s yards. This project will serve as a pilot to educate community members about the use of native plants and water quality landscaping practices. While the Lancaster Conservancy’s work of land protection does a lot to protect water quality, we need community members to implement conservation landscaping. This program will empower community members to implement runoff controlling native habitat plantings in their neighborhoods.
Culliton Park (formerly Farnum Park) is one of the city’s largest public parks and the most prominent park in the SouthWest neighborhood. This project has been several years in the making. After extensive input from neighborhood residents, the design was completed with artist involvement and construction commenced in February of 2020 and will be completed in November 2020.
Conewago Darter 5K race and community field day
Grantee: Londonderry Township
Londonderry Township plans to host its first water quality-focused 5k race and fun run. The race will begin at Old Trolley Line Park in Mount Joy and end at the Route 230 trailhead, where a community field day will be set up. The 5k will be a fundraiser for the Tri-County Conewago Creek Association and Londonderry Township’s future clean water projects. The community field day will be an educational event for local residents to engage with conservationists and take a tour of a restoration project.
Read more about the Murry Ridge Park Green Infrastructure Improvements.
Streambank and floodplain restoration outreach
Grantee: River Steward’s Collaborative
Lancaster County has the second highest population of Plain Sect/Amish in the United States. River Stewards Collaborative, with support from experts at LandStudies, Lancaster Farmland Trust, and Mr. Paul Fisher, an “Amish Liaison,” will develop handouts and presentations, and lead a series of engagement meetings with Plain Sect landowners in the county, to educate them on the impacts farming practices can have on the local and Chesapeake watersheds.
Read more about the Paradise Township vegetated swale project.
Education of people and waterways in southeast Lancaster
Grantee: Spanish American Civic Association
This project will motivate and inform residents and visitors in Southeast Lancaster about their relationship with waterways, specifically the underlying history of people and events. SACA will produce three educational programs for WLCH radio aired during Education Through Partnering, and install six historical markers, each with a QR code linked to SACA’s web site for obtaining in-depth information. Markers will be installed in coordination with the City’s 2023 South Duke Streetscape Project that funds lighting, crosswalks, sidewalks, trees, bike racks, benches, and bus shelters.
Meadow planting on a Chiques Creek tributary
Grantee: Chiques Creek Watershed Alliance
This project will plant and establish three acres of wildflower and grass meadow along Dellinger Run in the Chiques Creek watershed. The meadow will be planted within an existing young forested riparian buffer and along a completed stream restoration project. After 4 years of maintaining the project, the landowner is looking for opportunities to reduce routine maintenance long-term.
Reserve at Union School retrofitted bioswale
Grantee: Mount Joy Borough
Mount Joy Borough will construct a 30-foot wide retrofitted bioswale for the Reserves at Union School community. The Borough will engage in a partnership with the development’s Homeowners Association for long-term maintenance and upkeep. The project is based upon the design of student intern, Leslie Hendricks, and includes removing current growth and sentiment from the swale and replacing with various layers of a designed plant community, utilizing drought, wet and salt tolerant plants and vegetation.
* Turtle Hill streambank restoration project
The Turtle Hill Streambank Restoration Project, in West Earl Township, includes implementation of an approximately 1,535 linear feet streambank restoration project along an unnamed tributary to the Conestoga River north of Turtle Hill Road in Ephrata. The project area is agricultural and is directly downstream from a 1,250 linear feet stream restoration project completed by the Township in 2019. The proposed restoration includes grading the existing vertical banks to create a low, flat floodplain bench on each side of the unnamed tributary that allows increased stream flows to access the floodplain, dissipating potentially erosive energy. The proposed project includes 3,245 linear feet of livestock fencing, 8 permanent fence gates, and 196 linear feet of livestock slat crossings.
* Eshelman Run streambank stabilization
The Eshelman Run streambank stabilization project is a 400 linear feet reach of stream near the headwaters of Eshelman Run, which captures runoff from Strasburg Borough. Sediment deposition from the drainage area, large volumes of water and little connection to the floodplain have all contributed to bank erosion along the project reach. This project aims to stabilize the stream and establish a riparian buffer.
* Conewago creek stream restoration
The Conewago Creek Stream Restoration project includes the implementation of stream restoration, legacy sediment removal, floodplain reconnection, and wetland creation that will lead to quantifiable improvements to water quality, promote enhanced ecosystem resiliency and support the goals of the Lancaster County CAP. Due to the extent of the improvements, the project has been divided into three phases. Funding from the Clean Water Fund is supporting Phase 2 of the project, located in Mount Joy Township, Lancaster County. It will result in 3,213 LF of stream restoration, 5.2 acres of wetland creation and floodplain reconnection, and 52,619 cubic yards of legacy sediment removal.
* Collaborative water quality improvement in upper Conestoga water river watershed
Lancaster Farmland Trust’s project aims to reduce nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment pollution flowing from a farm in East Earl Township. Best management practices installed will include barnyard improvements, specifically concrete and roofed heavy use areas, a roofed manure stacking structure, roof water controls, underground piping, cattle walkways, and stabilized access roads. It’ll also include 2,400 feet of streambank fencing and the installation of a 1.9-acre buffer.
* Amos Herr Park wetland restoration
The project seeks to enhance a segment of the Amos Herr Park property, within the East Hempfield Township Municipal Complex, in an area that is currently either wetlands or is proposed through the Municipalities’ planning initiatives to be naturalized. This segment is on the east side of the Amos Herr Park campus and on the east side of Swarr Run. The project aims to forward this initiative by expanding any existing wetlands, re-grading portions of the area to create a space for increased wetland establishment, installing a system of interconnected trail pathways around the extents of the created wetland area, and naturalizing the remaining lands.
*Funding for these projects is from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s Countywide Action Plan Implementation grant to Lancaster.
2021 Clean Water Fund Projects
Beiler Farm best management practice installation
Grantee: Octoraro Watershed Association
The Octoraro Watershed Association will work with Mr. Beiler on his farm in Colerain Township to implement several BMPs that will improve overall water quality in Lancaster County, but specifically in Bells Run. Conservation implementation practices will stabilize the ground and dramatically reduce sediment deposition.
“We are very appreciative of the Lancaster Clean Water Fund’s support of this project. Mr. Beiler purchased this farm in 2018 and has visions of establishing his own dairy operation here in the near future. As part of this vision, Mr. Beiler is committed to improving the existing conditions of the property and ultimately running an operation that is both productive and low-impact on our environment. He fully supports the efforts to restore the health of the local streams in Lancaster County by 2040 and this grant will allow for important Best Management Practices to be installed in order to prevent sediment and nutrients from reaching our waterways.”
* Denver Park annex Cocalico Creek greenway development project
Grantee: Denver Borough
Denver Borough will install a native riparian forest buffer, green stormwater management infrastructure practices, and restore a portion of the Cocalico Creek near the Denver Park Annex, adjacent to Denver Memorial Park. Grant funding from the Lancaster County Clean Water Fund will be used to design and construct the two rain gardens and three constructed wetland areas. This project is designed to enhance the active and passive recreational opportunities in the Park Annex by developing the existing greenway in an environmentally sound way that prevents flood damage and soil erosion, protects surface water quality, improves wildlife habitat, provides educational opportunities, and blends the region’s natural diversity with man-made development.
Drumore Park educational signage and bus tour
Grantee: Friends of Fishing Creek
Nestled at the southern end of Lancaster County, the Fishing Creek watershed is a hidden gem. In the Fishing Creek Nature Preserve you’ll find a quiet stream that hosts freshwater trout, cranes, herons, and countless other species. With this grant, Friends of Fishing Creek will provide educational information in the form of signage and a bus tour. These hands-on experiences with local community members will emphasize the importance of protecting these waterways.
“Friends of Fishing Creek would like to share our overwhelming gratitude to the Community Foundation and the Lancaster Clean Water Partners. The Friends of Fishing Creek watershed group strives to educate the public on community-driven water stewardship, and help preserve the overall health of the Fishing Creek watershed. Thanks to the Clean Water Fund, our organization has big plans to engage and educate our local community on the importance of water quality!”
* Full speed ahead: Accelerated BMP implementation in the Pequea Creek watershed
Grantee: Lancaster Farmland Trust
Lancaster Farmland Trust will work with three farms in the Pequea Creek Watershed to implement agricultural BMPs. BMPs include manure management, barnyard improvements, animal walkways, fencing, pipes and stabilized outlets to control driveway runoff and roof water; and critical seeding and mulching where needed.
* Little Beaver Creek tributary at Sides Mill Road emergency restoration improvements
Grantee: Strasburg Jay Cee Park
Strasburg Jay Cee Park will restore 300 linear feet of stream to an unnamed tributary to Little Beaver Creek. In August of 2020, an 8’ dam failed in a flood resulting in extreme incision and associated bank failure, releasing tons of legacy sediments downstream. The stream is actively degrading, with the likelihood of instabilities migrating upstream. The work will raise the channel invert and stabilize the banks to create a stable, well-vegetated channel with a shallow floodplain bench that will slow flood flow velocities and dissipate potentially erosive energy. The work will address excessive sedimentation and habitat degradation that currently exists, and proposed benches will increase the potential for wetland development. Improved habitat will be provided through the establishment of a native species riparian buffer.
* Little Conestoga blue/green corridor stream restoration
Grantee: Little Conestoga Creek Foundation
The Blue/Green Corridor Project Phase 1 stream restoration is on Little Conestoga Creek Foundation property along Marietta Ave in Lancaster Township. Phase 1 will implement specific BMP components identified in the Countywide Action Plan to address nitrogen, phosphorus and sediment reductions.
These improvements include restoration of floodplain wetlands and degraded stream channels to improve water quality, increase stream health and resiliency. The restoration includes establishment of forested riparian buffers on both sides of the stream on adjacent uplands. The riparian buffer totals 1.37 acres in addition to 1,121 linear feet of stream restoration and 2.4 acres of wetlands located within a designated Urban Area. Phase 1 is the first of six restoration reaches for a 2.5-mile corridor project. The highly visible Phase 1 site will highlight and restore a community resource which will have regional pollution reduction impacts significant to Lancaster County that extend to the Chesapeake Bay.
Memorial Park riparian buffer educational trail
Grantee: Quarryville Borough
Ten years ago along an unnamed tributary of Little Beaver Creek, Quarryville Borough planted a riparian buffer in collaboration with the Pequea Creek Watershed Association. With great growth and success of the buffer, there also came questions from residents regarding the “messy” look of the area. With this funding, the borough will create a trail along the buffer with educational signage to educate residents and visitors of all ages on the value of the riparian buffer to stream life, wildlife, plant life, and humans.
“We are excited to embark on a project that educates the public on the importance of forested riparian buffers for clean water in our local streams. The importance of clean water and healthy streams for our local community cannot be taken for granted. Through education we hope to encourage residents and visitors to participate in volunteer opportunities to plant trees and shrubs to create more forested riparian buffers.”
One Water Partnership in Lancaster County
Grantee: Interfaith Partners of the Chesapeake
One Water Partnership is a regional hub of faith-based action to address highly fragmented non-source pollution challenges and opportunities. With this funding, Interfaith Partners of the Chesapeake will recruit 3-5 faith-based organizations in Lancaster County to build green teams, a training that will equip teams to mobilize around clean water, educate congregation members, lead activities or programs, and implement stormwater best practices on their properties.
“The faith community is an eager and willing partner in efforts to achieve clean water in Lancaster County. This funding will help us build their capacity so that they can answer their call to be good caretakers of God’s Creation!” – Jodi Rose, Executive Director, Interfaith Partners of the Chesapeake
* Pequea Creek headwaters improvement project
Grantee: Conservation Foundation of Lancaster County
The Conservation Foundation of Lancaster County will work with two Plain Sect farms in the upper Pequea Creek Watershed for stream and pastureland improvements. These projects build upon previous work completed by the Lancaster Conservation District, Salisbury Township, Team Ag, and Lancaster Farmland Trust in this area. Project details involve nearly 2,900 linear feet of stream restoration, over 4,000 ft. streambank fencing, an average riparian buffer inside the fence of 35-50 feet or 6.1 acres of buffer, 2 livestock walkways to control sediment and nutrient runoff to the stream from the pastures, and 4 livestock/equipment crossings along Indian Springs Run and the headwaters of the Pequea Creek.
Rain garden installation on North Lane
Grantee: Lititz Borough
The North Lane rain garden installation in Lititz Borough will take excess water from North Lane, filter it while reducing the ponding on the roadway, and discharge the clean water to nearby Lititz Run. This location is the last to need stormwater implementation. Multiple rain gardens currently dot the landscape along the corridor, so this project will complete the bioretention corridor.
“Lititz Borough is thrilled to have received a Clean Water Implementation Grant from the Lancaster Clean Water Partners to continue our work to improve the water quality of Lititz Run. This project will be the seventh small stormwater best management practice installed by the Borough, and will be the third completed on Lancaster General Health/Penn Medicine property along the stream. Not only are each of these facilities a good example of how these BMPs can be sized and placed within a developed community, they each do their part to improve our stream.”
* Restoration of Cocalico Creek at Autumn Hills
Grantee: Lititz Borough
The North Lane rain garden installation in Lititz Borough will take excess water from North Lane, filter it while reducing the ponding on the roadway, and discharge the clean water to nearby Lititz Run. This location is the last to need stormwater implementation. Multiple rain gardens currently dot the landscape along the corridor, so this project will complete the bioretention corridor.
“Lititz Borough is thrilled to have received a Clean Water Implementation Grant from the Lancaster Clean Water Partners to continue our work to improve the water quality of Lititz Run. This project will be the seventh small stormwater best management practice installed by the Borough, and will be the third completed on Lancaster General Health/Penn Medicine property along the stream. Not only are each of these facilities a good example of how these BMPs can be sized and placed within a developed community, they each do their part to improve our stream.”
River Connections: Stories of Lancastrians' Connections to Water
Grantee: City of Lancaster
There is a lack of understanding in the watershed protection and restoration movement of people’s current and historical connections to local waterways, specifically the Conestoga River. The purpose of this project is to raise awareness of the quality of waterways in Lancaster County and to foster a sense of stewardship for the Conestoga River watershed. To accomplish this, the City will work with community leaders to gather personal stories about people’s connections to the river and share those stories through various artistic mediums such as plays, music, visual art, poetry, and more.
“Lancastrians have a long and often cherished history and relationship with the Conestoga River, however some of these connections are not well known. We’re excited to shine a light on people’s experiences with the river and to honor those connections as we continue to build a community of stewards for this valued natural resource.” Steve Campbell, Director, Department of Public Works
* Stream restoration and riparian buffer planting
Grantee: East Donegal Township
East Donegal Township is partnering with Marietta Borough, with support from private property owners to design, permit, and construct 1,300 linear feet of streambank restoration along the most unstable portions of this reach. Sections of the 2,150 linear foot project reach are eroded with steep banks due to the high flows from the large upstream drainage area and lack of stabilization along the banks. In addition to streambank restoration, the project will expand the riparian buffer along the entire 2,150-foot reach. This will result in the creation of 3.5 acres of buffer habitat. East Donegal Township was awarded a $200,000 Growing Greener Grant from PA DEP in December of 2020, and the township will use this additional funding to take the project from design to construction.
* Tri-county Conewago Creek Watershed Association reinvigoration and trail education
Grantee: Tri-County Conewago Creek Watershed Association
After several years of quiet activity, TCCCA recently brought on renewed leadership and is ready to re-engage residents in the Conewago Creek Watershed. Funds from this grant will be used to send mailers to all 4,400 households in the watershed informing residents on how to get involved, and develop and install signage along the Conewago Recreational Trail highlighting several projects visible from the trail.
“TCCCA is incredibly excited to envision clean and clear water by 2040, and welcome community members to get involved!”
Upper Camp Andrews Fishing Creek restoration
Grantee: Donegal Trout Unlimited
The Donegal chapter of Trout Unlimited’s mission is to help landowners and farmers protect, reconnect, restore, and sustain cold water fisheries and watersheds in Lancaster County. This funding will assist with that mission by restoring and maintaining 0.4 miles of the main branch of Fishing Creek and one of its unnamed tributaries located in Drumore Township. Specifically, DTU will install BMPs to decrease nutrient and sediment loads by filtering agriculture runoff, removing invasive plants and trees, improving fish habitat in a naturally reproducing trout stream, and restoring 3.25 acres of wetlands.
“We are excited that this grant completed the funding requirements for Phase 2 of the Camp Andrews stream restoration project, including restoration of 3.25 acres of wetlands.” — Barry Witmer, President, Donegal Trout Unlimited
*Funding for these projects is from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s Countywide Action Plan Implementation grant to Lancaster.
These grants are possible thanks to the support of groups such as the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and Lancaster’s Water Week. Lead partners include: The Lancaster Clean Water Partners, Lancaster County Community Foundation, Conservation Foundation of Lancaster County, and Lancaster Conservancy. These organizations work with countless trusted experts in the field, including the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Economic Development Company of Lancaster County, Lancaster County Conservation District, Lancaster Farmland Trust, local municipalities, and Penn State’s Agriculture and Environment Center.
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The Clean Water Fund helps projects go from concept to implementation.
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