Lancaster Clean Water Fund Awards 5 Projects

Enhancing Lancaster County’s Water Quality: Community-Led Initiatives Making a Splash
Lancaster County is making significant strides toward better water quality through innovative community-based projects funded by the Lancaster Clean Water Fund. This initiative, providing close to $65,000 in grants, empowers local nonprofits and municipalities to spearhead initiatives aimed at enhancing the county’s water quality.
Here’s a closer look at the impactful projects that secured funding:
1. SoWe Project Clean Stream: Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay ($12,000)
Focused on the southwest quadrant of Lancaster city, this project is set to organize cleanups and monthly events led by community members. By raising awareness about the impact of litter on local waterways, the initiative aims to engage the public actively in maintaining clean surroundings.
2. Expanding the One Water Partnership in Lancaster County: Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake ($14,837)
The Lancaster One Water Partnership will bring together faith-based communities to work collaboratively on reducing stormwater pollution and increasing the area’s tree canopy. Quarterly events will facilitate discussions and actions towards achieving common environmental goals.
3. Southeast Growing Greener & Sowing Seeds of Change: Let’s Go 1-2-3 ($15,000)
Let’s Go 1-2-3, in collaboration with Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology and the Lancaster City Housing Authority, aims to extend outdoor recreation opportunities to the southeast neighborhoods of Lancaster city. Their approach involves establishing a Community Green Team, conducting neighborhood surveys, and organizing a celebratory Nature Fest to promote sustainable practices.
4. River Connections: City of Lancaster ($15,000)
River Connections, an art-focused initiative, seeks to amplify the stories of Black and Brown communities’ ties to the Conestoga River. Through storm drain murals, performance art, and an animated educational character named Rosie the Fish, this project aims to educate students about their local river while fostering community engagement.
5. Engagement and Education of our Watershed Community: Friends of Fishing Creek ($8,000)
The Friends of Fishing Creek will utilize the grant to spread awareness about preserving the watershed’s delicate ecosystem. Educational materials and recycling bags will be distributed at the 2024 Annual Solanco Fair. Moreover, outreach to local Jeep clubs aims to encourage responsible recreation in the Fishing Creek area through educational drives and environmental education stations.
These initiatives not only align with Lancaster County’s commitment to reducing nutrient and sediment pollution but also foster community involvement in safeguarding water quality. By combining educational outreach, community engagement, and innovative approaches, these projects are paving the way for a more sustainable and ecologically aware Lancaster County.