COVID-19 Resources

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has upended our communities in innumerable ways. Despite the ever-changing conditions surrounding the virus, the Lancaster Clean Water Partners is steadfast in its commitment to clean and clear streams throughout the county.
As the situation unfolds, we are here to support partner organizations by providing information, resources, and support to help them through these difficult times.
We will continue to do the good work Lancaster County relies on – just from our home offices. Allyson and Emily will be available via email and phone during normal business hours (8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.). Please reach out with any questions, comments, or concerns.
- Life-Sustaining Business List from the Governor’s office
- Funding for the county’s recovery plan
- Lancaster County Community Foundation Response Center
- Lancaster Chamber’s resources
- Lancaster Conservancy’s COVID-19 Updates
- Collation of all COVID-19-related LNP articles
- PennState Extension
- Choose Clean Water Coalition